Change Makes You Give Up Stuff

Change looms ahead. Big Change. The trouble with change is that we believe we’re going to have to give up stuff.

Really, we Know we’re going to have to give up stuff. Secretly, we suspect what that stuff might be. Secretly, we don’t want to go there.

We imagine loosing loved ones, ideas, things, money. We imagine being unable to hold our space or our beliefs.

Very uncomfortable!! We have no idea what we’re going to get in return when give stuff up. We can’t even get past imagining what we may have to give up.

Back up. Look again. This is a trade. What is given? What is received? And most importantly, what’s motivating us to makes this change? What’s our why?

The world around you and me is dying. Stuff is going away. Every kind of stuff. Ripped away. That’s what comes before a breakthrough. Before a rebirth. Before a new life in a new world. Has to be this way.

The faster we give up stuff the faster we open a space for our new life. Our new world. Let’s give up stuff quickly. Willingly. Thoroughly. And let’s heal our losses quickly. Gently. Lovingly.

So we don’t have to be afraid of giving up stuff. We shift our energy from defending old stuff to creating new stuff. We don’t have energy for both. Let’s let our stuff go.

A wise man asked us to see a conveyonr belt moving in front of us, object after object passing our attention. And say to each, “I loved you once. You were golden to me. I picked you up. Now I see you bring mostly trouble. I set you down. Be on your way.”

In ancient Hawaiian tradition we begin life at the base of a high mountain with an empty bowl. As we move toward our goal at the top of the mountain, we pick up rocks and put them in our bowl. As we age and grow tired we see we cannot make it to the top unless we drop each stone in our bowl. This is our task today. Take out a few stones, bless them, and put them down.

Infinite Intelligence

Winning the game of life requires a strategy that transcends ordinary culture. We don’t learn in school how to succeed. We have to figure it out ourselves. Faith opens a sixth sense allowing communication with sources of power and information far surpassing any available through the five physical senses.

But business seems to operate in the domain of culture. How can we bring a transcendent strategy to our business?

Connecting with the unseen world seems strange, especially in the beginning, when we first confront notions about a vast world existing beyond what we perceive with our five senses. It’s difficult to explain encounters with this other world to those who have not experienced it – or at least been exposed to its existence.

Here are some words that lay it out clearly:

“The state of mind known as faith apparently opens to one the medium of a sixth sense through which one may communicate with sources of power and information far surpassing any available through the five physical senses. There comes to your aid, and to do your bidding, with the development of the sixth sense, a strange power which, let us assume, is a guardian angel who can open to you at all times the door to the Temple of Wisdom. The “sixth sense” comes as near to being a miracle as anything I have every experienced, and it appears to perhaps because I do not understand the method by which this principle is operated.

This much I do know – that there is a power or a first cause, or an Intelligence which permeates every atom of matter, and embraces every unit of energy perceptible to man…”

Napoleon Hill – Outwitting the Devil

You have to try it – experience it directly – to get a sense of what these words mean and how this idea might effect you life. Accessing the spirit realm for information, guidance, and healing is an ancient art.

Developing your sixth sense takes practice. It’s an interesting practice because it’s a way of living. Once you find Infinite Intelligence it’s doesn’t make sense to live your life the old way – the I’ll-do-it-myself way.

I’d like to show you how this works as applied directly to your life and your business. If you’re interested, please shoot me an email.

The Energy Signature of a Plant Touches Us Emotionally

Each plant has a unique energy signature. Not surprisingly, the energy signature of a plant touches us emotionally when we connect with it.

Let me say that a different way. If you are in touch with a particular plant, you will feel its energy in your body.

This feeling is important for many reasons. How a plant is used by humans has much to do with the kinds of feelings it brings up in people.

It’s no accident that a yellow rose signals friendship, or that a red one is given to express love. There’s no surprise in chamomile showing up in a bedtime tea, or finding mint enlivening a julep. You don’t have to think too hard about a willow being weeping, or a prickly pear cactus being prickly.

The idea of this little exercise is to see if you can name the feelings you get from individual plants in your garden, your home, or your neighborhood park.

Get in touch with each plant through your senses. Then see if you can connect even deeper. Try to feel its energy. Notice what’s showing up in your body. Be with that a moment and experience it fully.

The energy signature of a plant touches us emotionally. It may take some practice, but it’s well worth the effort. You’ll be developing your relationship with Nature. That way, when you ask for guidance about a certain plant – what you can do for it or what it can do for you – at least you’ll know who you’re talking with!

If you want help connecting with plants or validation about the messages you’re receiving, shoot me an email.

Connect with Energies

Everything is energy, including thoughts. Energy is conserved. The energy of everything that ever happened, every thought that ever was thought, is here now. That means everything we need to know—can know—is available to us in the form of energy. We can connect with energies.

The question is: how do we tap into this energy to access information we seek?

Basically, we ask.

Here’s how. Imagine talking on your phone. You’re sending and receiving information as you speak and listen. Information moves between you and the other person in the form of energy – a complex set of frequencies exchanged between the two of you through the technology you hold. You don’t know how it works. You just know you’re talking with your friend.

The phone is helpful in aiming the information and making it accessible. It turns a bunch of something-we-can’t-see into the voice of your friend. That’s the kind of help we need in accessing the information-in-energy we’re seeking from Nature.

In the beginning, I used a simple pendulum to help amplify my communication with Nature. I’d ask to be connected to the spirit of Nature, ask yes-or-no questions about stuff I wanted to know, and watch the swing of my pendulum to get my answers. It works very well.

I’ve also worked with a German dowsing tool and kinesiology aka “muscle testing.” As I practiced, I learned to “hear” and “see” messages in energy frequencies beyond those detectable by my physical senses. Through the ages, seekers have developed very interesting, very creative, and very effective methods for knowing the truth. You can too.

If you’d like help to connect with energies, shoot me an email.

Awakening in Nature

Let’s go home. Forward. To The Garden. Together. Now.

Whether you realize it or not, you and I are part of Nature. We are, in every sense, spirits living in a body alongside trillions of creatures of every shape and size imaginable. We are dependent on the whole just as the whole is dependent on us.

You’ve always been connected with Nature – fully connected. It’s time to become conscious of this connection so we can use it to awaken.

You have already experienced this connection strongly. Perhaps it was lying on the grass, looking up at the clouds – or the stars. Or walking through the forest. Or sitting quietly on the beach. Magnificent places you’ve visited. Encounters with beautiful plants. The unconditional love of your pet.

Let’s be clear about this. In moments like these, you feel ONE with Nature – with all life. We humans absolutely CRAVE this connection. It’s like coming home. Into the gentle, mighty arms of the love of God.

Why connect with Nature? Because we HAVE to. Life without this connection is not life. It’s merely existence. Awakening in Nature is a gift from our Creator.

If you’d like help awakening in Nature, shoot me an email.

Intuition as Spiritual Practice

Intuition means something different to each of us; it’s a personal experience. Let’s just say that intuition is messages from The Universe.

Messages show themselves is many ways. We feel them in our gut, get goosebumps on our skin, and experience sudden tension in our neck and shoulders. We receive messages in our body.

We also receive messages through our senses. We may directly hear or see a message – one connected to a specific neural network in our brain.

We’re aware of a second set of senses – seeing without sight; hearing where there is no sound; feeling without touch; knowing. Messages fill this mysterious space.

Where do messages come from? This is an important question because it leads directly to the first stumbling block to developing intuition: trust. We’re not sure we can trust what we’re getting in messages because we cannot see who or what is sending them.

Let’s say that all messages come from God. For you, God may be Source, or The Universe, or The Field, or Nature. This is where the spiritual practice of intuition finds its root. By developing our intuition we’re developing our connection with God. Essentially, we’re improving our listening skills.

Why do messages come? The idea that messages guide us to move in precise directions suggests there’s a grand plan – that we are being nudged to follow a particular path. Understanding The Universe’s plan for us and staying on track is a second aspect of this spiritual practice.

Our bodies are senders and receivers of messages. Physics and biology agree on this. If we’re developing our ability to receive messages we probably want to pay attention to our body as a receiver – to make sure it’s clear and clean. This attention is healing – the third element of spiritual practice.

As we improve our ability to receive messages, we naturally pay more attention to the messages we send. This opens the fourth element of spiritual practice: relationships. And the fifth: intention.

So, the five elements of intuition as a spiritual practice are:

  1. Connection with God
  2. Understanding the plan for our life and living it fully
  3. Healing
  4. Relationships
  5. Intention

Ultimately, the purpose of developing intuition is to live by faith alone – to trust every decision to Source.

If you’re interested in developing your intuition, please contact Roger Wyer at

Direct Knowing

We know very little. Very, very little. So little, we can’t really even imagine what’s in the container of “things I don’t know.” But sometimes, we find ourselves needing to know something we think is important. With practice, we can penetrate this container and bring back the information we need.

It’s not really a container of course. It’s space. The space between things. The space in which all things exist.

It’s a good idea to be clear about the information you seek. Better yet, what’s the most accurate, most powerful question you ask the universe about what you’re looking for?

Knowing that you don’t know something makes finding out about it interesting. Needing to know provides the energy. Clarity provides focus. Intuition allows you to know what you don’t know.

Everyone has intuition. It’s part of being human. We’re able to reach beyond the world of our physical senses and touch the unseen world.

When did you notice your intuition? They say we’re born with a powerful connection to the universe that we then lose as a function of interacting with our parents, our culture, and the world of form. Did you notice your intuition before you lost it?

Probably, it never went away! And that’s great news because all you have to do is recover it. It’s in there somewhere.

And it pops out every now and then to remind us it’s still around. Still active. We knew the phone was going to ring before it rang. We knew there would be a change in plans before we knew what it was. We picked the shortest line at the grocery.

We can give attention to our intuition. Nurture it. Practice it. Develop it. It’s amazing how it changes your life to know that you can find any information you need out there – in the field.

I think experiments with intuition are fun. Using the tools to feel into The Force to see what you can find out. And then seeing how real your messages are.

There are loads of interesting tools for finding out – for supporting your intuition. I got hooked on dowsing for awhile. I work with someone who is excellent with Tarot. Hypnosis opens doors. Kinesiology is popular. Then there’s bones and stones and tea leaves and palms and numbers and stars. Much fun!

For me to know, it’s a direct connect to the energy of the universe. And ask for what I think I need. Direct knowing.

The Field

Beyond the spectrum of frequencies we can perceive with our physical senses lies a vast territory rich with energy, beings, and information. This world dwarfs our concept of the physical world in which we dwell.

I call this world The Field.

The physical world we know is not separate from The Field – it is defined by The Field. Our sensory perception gives us a meager slice of the whole picture that is The Field.

All that ever was, is now, or ever will be lives in The Field as energy. Our ideas of space and time do not govern The Field. Nor do the laws of physics as we know them. The core of every spiritual, mystical, shamanic, and religious tradition involves awakening to and consciously interacting with The Field.

This interaction with The Field is rich with possibilities for our growth and evolution, our expression and healing.

These possibilities exist in our physical reality as well as in the reality beyond. As we awaken too and access a more magickal world, our daily lives become more magickal. Synchronicities and the experiences of flow replace separation and stuckness. Our relationship with The Field can aid our lives in very practical, immediate ways.

I teach making this connection with The Field. My route focuses on Nature as the way into The Field. I’m a plant whisperer.

Constant practice connecting and interacting with The Field allows me ready access to the messages The Field holds for me. The Field holds messages for you too. That’s why you’re here.