Healing Beliefs

Healing Beliefs

  • Our single goal in healing is to realize the natural perfect health and harmony we are given
  • Both healer and patient are assisted by all heaven and earth
  • If you can REALIZE the Presence of God where previously you were thinking of a damaged organ, the organ in question will heal.” Emmet Fox
  • The body is designed to be self-healing if we allow it
  • All disease is caused by the belief in disease – this is an error
  • “The healer throws off the beliefs of the sick and imparts to them his own, which are perfect health, and his explanation destroys their belief and their disease.” Phineas Quimby
  • Healing is an education process – healing of the body is healing of thought
  • “A human soul may be thought of as an opening through which Infinite Energy is seeking a creative outlet. If that outlet be a clear, open channel, all is well. If, on the other hand, it would become obstructed by any means, then the Infinite Energy, the Life Force, is frustrated, dammed back – and all sorts of local stresses are set up in that soul; and these we see as sickness, poverty, fear, anger, sin, and every kind of difficulty. Not we are in position to understand what the real art of living must be. It must be to make this channel clea, and to keep it clear; and if only we will do this, we shall find that health, prosperity, full self-expression – true happiness, in short – will then follow automatically.” Emmet Fox
  • Belief precedes and filters all perception
  • Challenging beliefs raises awareness
  • There is no disease – a disease is a name for a cluster of symptoms
  • Symptoms provide evidence of false beliefs
  • Forgiveness heals our soul
  • The body cannot resist healing because it is not intelligent – only the mind can resist healing
  • “There is nothing animate in the body, so when the body is injured by what we call disease, it is an error of the mind, the body being subject to the mind, so when the mind is corrected of its error, the truth is established which is its health.” Phineas Quimby
  • At least 19 persons out of 20 are injured by taking medicine. A large portion of surgical operations are wicked and useless torture.” J.R. Newton
  • It is not necessary to understand the whys and wherefores