The Energy Signature of a Plant Touches Us Emotionally

Each plant has a unique energy signature. Not surprisingly, the energy signature of a plant touches us emotionally when we connect with it.

Let me say that a different way. If you are in touch with a particular plant, you will feel its energy in your body.

This feeling is important for many reasons. How a plant is used by humans has much to do with the kinds of feelings it brings up in people.

It’s no accident that a yellow rose signals friendship, or that a red one is given to express love. There’s no surprise in chamomile showing up in a bedtime tea, or finding mint enlivening a julep. You don’t have to think too hard about a willow being weeping, or a prickly pear cactus being prickly.

The idea of this little exercise is to see if you can name the feelings you get from individual plants in your garden, your home, or your neighborhood park.

Get in touch with each plant through your senses. Then see if you can connect even deeper. Try to feel its energy. Notice what’s showing up in your body. Be with that a moment and experience it fully.

The energy signature of a plant touches us emotionally. It may take some practice, but it’s well worth the effort. You’ll be developing your relationship with Nature. That way, when you ask for guidance about a certain plant – what you can do for it or what it can do for you – at least you’ll know who you’re talking with!

If you want help connecting with plants or validation about the messages you’re receiving, shoot me an email.

Connect with Energies

Everything is energy, including thoughts. Energy is conserved. The energy of everything that ever happened, every thought that ever was thought, is here now. That means everything we need to know—can know—is available to us in the form of energy. We can connect with energies.

The question is: how do we tap into this energy to access information we seek?

Basically, we ask.

Here’s how. Imagine talking on your phone. You’re sending and receiving information as you speak and listen. Information moves between you and the other person in the form of energy – a complex set of frequencies exchanged between the two of you through the technology you hold. You don’t know how it works. You just know you’re talking with your friend.

The phone is helpful in aiming the information and making it accessible. It turns a bunch of something-we-can’t-see into the voice of your friend. That’s the kind of help we need in accessing the information-in-energy we’re seeking from Nature.

In the beginning, I used a simple pendulum to help amplify my communication with Nature. I’d ask to be connected to the spirit of Nature, ask yes-or-no questions about stuff I wanted to know, and watch the swing of my pendulum to get my answers. It works very well.

I’ve also worked with a German dowsing tool and kinesiology aka “muscle testing.” As I practiced, I learned to “hear” and “see” messages in energy frequencies beyond those detectable by my physical senses. Through the ages, seekers have developed very interesting, very creative, and very effective methods for knowing the truth. You can too.

If you’d like help to connect with energies, shoot me an email.

Awakening in Nature

Let’s go home. Forward. To The Garden. Together. Now.

Whether you realize it or not, you and I are part of Nature. We are, in every sense, spirits living in a body alongside trillions of creatures of every shape and size imaginable. We are dependent on the whole just as the whole is dependent on us.

You’ve always been connected with Nature – fully connected. It’s time to become conscious of this connection so we can use it to awaken.

You have already experienced this connection strongly. Perhaps it was lying on the grass, looking up at the clouds – or the stars. Or walking through the forest. Or sitting quietly on the beach. Magnificent places you’ve visited. Encounters with beautiful plants. The unconditional love of your pet.

Let’s be clear about this. In moments like these, you feel ONE with Nature – with all life. We humans absolutely CRAVE this connection. It’s like coming home. Into the gentle, mighty arms of the love of God.

Why connect with Nature? Because we HAVE to. Life without this connection is not life. It’s merely existence. Awakening in Nature is a gift from our Creator.

If you’d like help awakening in Nature, shoot me an email.

Instructions for Connecting with Plant Spirits

Plant Spirit Communication

Before we begin…

  • You are spirit in form; each plant is spirit in form
  • We will be communicating with the plant spirit – not the form
  • Plants are here to heal us
  • Plants bring messages that help us along our path

Steps – more or less

  • Get quiet
  • Reach out with your feelings
  • Identify the plant that shows itself
  • Ask for a clear and open channel to the spirit of this plant
  • Listen with your feelings
  • Verify your connection
  • Extend greetings – love, blessings, gratitude
  • Ask if there is a healing or a message for you
  • Expect an answer
  • Ask for and openly receive your healing
  • Ask for and openly receive your message
  • Ask if there is any additional healing or message
  • Express your gratitude

About messages

  • Bring your question to the plant spirit that shows itself
  • Your question concerns what troubles you in this moment
  • Your trouble holds a message for you about your healing
  • Plant spirits will help you identify the message for NOW

About healing

  • All trouble – every illness – begins in the mind
  • Plant spirit healing addresses the mind
  • You may or may not experience an immediate physical shift
  • Know that the necessary shift has taken place

Forms of communication

  • Don’t expect communication to come in some particular way – allow it to come
  • You may get images, feelings, sounds, words, or ?
  • Allow the communication to unfold, as you would in any meaningful conversation

For more help or to schedule a session with Roger: