What’s the difference between spirit guidance and intuition?
This may be the most important question we consider. For me, intuition comes from me; spirit guidance comes to me. We practice and develop intuition by getting in closer touch with ourselves – all aspects of our self. We practice and develop spirit guidance by connecting with and nurturing relationships with beings in The Field. Intuition has the final word – spirit guidance informs our choices and supports our actions.
What is The Field?
Everything is energy. Energy is alive as information. The sea of energy-as-information we swim in is what I call The Field. You may also know it as the unseen world, the universe, or other terms that resonate for you. In The Field, energy clumps together as thought forms – clumps that are the substance of events, situations, organizations, ideas, and troubles. The Field is also populated by a vast number and variety of beings – some helpful – some not. Energy in The Field lies largely beyond our five-sense perception – we must raise our frequency to the level of the thought forms and beings we connect with as we move into the larger world.
How can I manage the energy of my business?
Your business exists as a thought form in The Field – a clump of energy-as-information that includes everything about your business. Everything. We can connect with the energy of your business for valuable information about it. You manage the energy of your business through intention. When your intentions are aligned with the universe, changes happen – sometimes quite quickly. Guidance from The Field helps us manage the energy of your business in form. This includes both actions you take and how you show up. Managing the energy of your business begins with managing the energy of you.
Why are programs three months long – or more?
Experience shows there’s a best pace for each learner. Over time, elements of developing intuition appear for attention – as do your individual troubles and opportunities – questions and concerns. It takes about three months to grasp this new way of seeing well enough to bring it powerfully to the world of form. Consider this a minimum introductory period. At about three months you’ll be moving forward on your own. And you will probably not at all want to stop developing your practice.
Can everyone connect with The Field?
Yes. It looks like we all come equipped to access and operate in the larger world of The Field. We’ve forgotten and had our practice beaten out of us. Some are allowing their curiosity to propel them back onto the path of developing their connection with The Field. The programs offered here are designed for those who are dabbling with their connections to the Field, know there’s more there for them, and need guidance and support to go get it. So, everyone can; not everyone chooses to consciously connect with The Field
How do I connect with spirits in The Field?
In ancient days and indigenous ways, people connected to The Field through drumming, chanting, ecstatic dance, and plant medicines. Later, mystics used alchemy, magick, and divination tools such as pendulums, runes, and tarot. More recently, seekers use meditation, kineseology, and hypnosis. All of these ways are available today. I use a different way: I connect directly with beings and thought forms in the field through a simple ritual based on conversation.