I’m a shaman. Woo-woo some say. The first two threads dominating my life are from my parents: organization development from my dad; gardening from my mom. The mantra I established for the volunteer programs I led is the one that guides my life: make a difference, make a friend, have fun.
The third thread comes from Source in a form I call The Curriculum, in which I’ve been led on a remarkable journey into healing practices and a deep connection with beings and thought forms in the invisible world.
I want you to have a chance to get to know me a little through this website. You can also do that by reading my books. I offer unusual classes in person and online, and I help people one-to-one around whatever is troubling them. I provide a kind of psychic reading for business called Business Energy Assessments.
I am expert in connecting people with the spirit world. And I teach a kind of practical magick useful in improving our lives.
Maybe this will help you figure out if you want to get to know me. Allow your intuition to inform your decision to contact me about working together.